NEW Healthy Back ProgrammeTM


Healthwork has been liaising with researchers from Bangor University in relation to cost-effective interventions for back pain.  New research from Bangor University shows that the Healthy Back ProgrammeTM (based on Dru Yoga) reduces sickness absence and provides cost savings for employers.  Click here to see research results:

Designed by expert health professionals, the Healthy Back Programme is a simple and highly effective stretching programme, which has had a positive impact on many organisations including Barclays Bank, Santander, Siemens, Merseyside Police, Great Ormond Street Hospital, Institute of Chartered Accountants, Conwy and Gwynedd County Councils and the Betsi Cadwaladr University Health Board.

Of the hundreds of employees who have participated in the Healthy Back Programme, 95% recommend the programme and 90% report reduced back pain.  Led by qualified instructors, the Healthy Back Programme can be delivered as part of a ‘wellbeing’ day or as a stand-alone six-week programme in the workplace. Employees also receive an online programme and educational materials to facilitate daily practice of the Healthy Back exercises.  Research shows that just 10 minutes a day of practice leads to significant reductions in back pain and sickness absence.

Here is what some of the participants say about the Health Back Programme:

  • My back has felt a lot easier since getting into the exercises. In particular, I did a case in theatre last week, which I do every couple of weeks—it takes a good couple of hours and involves wearing a heavy lead apron and standing in a very awkward position. Usually my back is screaming by the end. Last week, I was pain-free. Extraordinary. Thank you!


  • Great for reducing tension, relieving stress and stretching out the back in a gentle way.


  • The instructors were excellent and motivated the whole class. The online programme was easy to access.” 


  • I cannot recommend the Healthy Back Programme highly enough. The effect of these gentle and easy-to-do exercises on my back pain has been amazing. I have had problems with my lower back, which even painkillers would not help, but I am now largely pain-free and far more flexible than I have been in years. I would urge anyone to give it a go.


Healthwork advice and discussion:

Healthwork has researched and looked into the Healthy Back programme and we think this is an evidence based and cost effective intervention.  Employers can initially book a Healthy Back ‘taster session’ in the workplace.  This sixty-minute taster session enables staff to experience the numerous benefits of the programme, which include increased wellbeing and energy levels, and reduced back pain and stress.  Healthwork customers can benefit from this at a 20% discount rate of £120.

To discuss how the Health Back Programme can benefit your workplace, please contact us on 0161 831 9701.  You can also contact Dr Ned Hartfiel at Bangor University on 01248 388 691 or  Please quote HealthworkHBP for the special offer rate.

For more information, visit and click on ‘Employers’.

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