Rapid Access Psychiatric Service - Healthwork (RAPS)


There are lengthy waiting times and difficulties in accessing psychiatric services in the UK.  The key issues encountered are :-.

  • Huge delays faced by patients in obtaining psychiatric appointments via the NHS
  • The anguish caused to distressed patients and additional delays in diagnosis and treatment
  • Unnecessarily prolonged work disability

In a recent article published by Healthwatch England (the national consumer champion for health), lengthy waiting times and a lack of understanding were the key concerns and frustrations for British adults in relation to accessing mental health support within the NHS.  This has replaced the difficulty of getting a GP appointment as the public's main frustration according to the research published by Healthwatch.

Access to psychiatric services was raised as a priority by 77 of Healthwatch's 152 local branches now making it the number one concern for the public in 2016.

To address this, Healthwork has set up an Occupational Health Rapid Access Psychiatry Service (RAPS).  Healthwork's direct referral service to a Consultant Psychiatrist for diagnosis and advice on treatment, leads to vastly improved outcomes for employees and employers alike.

The Process:-

  • Where the examining occupational health clinician deems it necessary, they will, (only with the explicit authorisation of the employer) discuss the possibility of a referral to RAPS with the employee
  • Following referral, a rapid access, full psychiatric assessment is undertaken at our easily accessible premises in central Manchester by our Consultant Psychiatrist
  • A detailed psychiatric report is prepared providing expert input to the occupational health clinician in advising on fitness for work
  • The employees GP is also sent a comprehensive report containing diagnosis and recommendations for correct treatment and follow-up whilst the referring manager/HR will be kept fully informed at all stages through a progress report

The Benefits:-

  • Permits the occupational health clinician and management/HR to timely resolve long-term and complex cases with increased confidence
  • Reduces financial loss from days lost to sickness absence and reduced productivity at work
  • Consolidates a positive image of an employer that cares about the mental wellbeing of staff
  • Directly helps employees by allowing them speedy access to a Consultant Psychiatrist
  • Earlier restoration of normal function leads to a speedier return to work (potentially 1-3 months earlier than otherwise expected) and to normal productivity levels
 You can normally expect to pay between £500 and £1000 for a private psychiatric opinion however,   Healthwork can offer our psychiatric service to your business for just £400 per consultation.

Please contact us for further details of our RAPS service.

*Health Insurance & Protection Daily - January 2016